

The need to accelerate actions for forests and climate has never been greater, nor has the ability to deliver. 2023 presents a number of strategic opportunities to accelerate into a critical decade of implementation.

In 2023, the programme will continue to support forest partners – countries, donors, private sector, civil society, Indigenous peoples, women and local communities – to turn the tide on deforestation and to contribute to advancing a number of strategic commitments in the forest and climate agenda, as discussed by the UN-REDD Executive Board:

On the road to COP28, there will be a strong focus of attention on scaling up action in the Amazon, as well as discussions on topics such as carbon finance, the voluntary carbon market, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), to name a few.

At UN-REDD, we will continue to work towards making forests an exemplar of progress being made on the Paris Agreement, bringing forward evidence that forest solutions and finance are progressing, for a successful recognition of the forest action agenda at COP28.

Looking to the 2030 horizon, the goal of UN-REDD is to help realize forest solutions to the climate emergency by avoiding carbon emissions and fostering carbon sequestration for at least 5 GtCO2e per year.

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